The exhibition spaces and gardens will be closed on 6 June as we prepare for the evening event.
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Talk: Respect-Inside Swedish Design, by Interior Cluster Sweden

Interior Cluster Sweden presents a talk focusing on Swedish interior design and sustainable development.
une femme portant un casque de protection, prend un tronc d'arbre entre ses mains et regarde vers la cime.

In many countries, the use of natural resources and the promotion of sustainable development and its values are still not an integral part of the mindset. In Sweden, thanks to the country’s abundant natural resources, they are key concerns in the furniture industry. Interior Cluster Sweden, which brings together a number of Swedish interior design firms, invites the world-famous designers Jonas Bohlin and Charlotte von der Lancken and Rémi de Marassé from Intramuros magazine to talk about their vision of sustainable interior design.

The latest promotional film by Interior Cluster Sweden, titled Respect, will be screened before the discussion. The six-minute film spotlights 16 Swedish interior design firms that have made sustainable development one of their key concerns. This is the French premiere of Respect, which won the Gold and Grand Award at the World Media Festival in Hamburg.

In collaboration with Interior Cluster Sweden and in partnership with Paris Design Week

Talk mainly in English.
Admission free while seats last.

The event details are subject to change following the latest governmental recommendations in the current pandemic situation. To ensure that everybody is protected and that events run smoothly, our team is implementing a number of hygiene and safety measures. Please read the barrier gestures by clicking here.