Photo exhibition: Visage(s) d’Europe x Maja Daniels

Once again, the exhibition Visage(s) d’Europe brings together fourteen photographers to showcase the diversity of artistic approaches at work on the young photographic scene in Europe. Maja Daniels has been selected to represent Sweden.
Two photos by Maja Daniels. On the left side, a three on fire and on the right side a man with a bear fur on his head.

Maja Daniels presents several works from her Elf Dalia project, an exploration of the historical enigma of the Ävdalen Valley in Sweden and its inhabitants. Born in Sweden in 1985, her work is influenced by her studies in the field of sociology, and her approach is both academic and artistic, combining sociological methodology, sound, animated images and archives. An exploration of the historical enigma of a place and its inhabitants, the Elf Dalia series tells the story of the Älvdalen Valley, whose inhabitants still speak an almost extinct language called Elfdalian. Combining her own photographs with those of Tenn Lars Persson (1878-1938), a local inventor, mechanic and photographer, Elf Dalia explores the themes of language, history, ritual and everyday strangeness.

Organised by Paris-based members of EUNIC, the European Union of National  Institutes for Culture, this is the second exhibition of its kind (the first was in 2019). The idea is to offer a variety of perspectives on Europe via the artistic scene in each country. EUNIC is supported by the Paris City Council, and this year the exhibition is curated by a partner organisation whose aspirations naturally match its own: the FETART collective, which organises, among other things, the Festival of Young European Photography at the CENTQUATRE in Paris. To demonstrate their unwavering support for young European artists, this year EUNIC and the FETART collective have decided to turn the spotlight on four artists from Belarus.

This exhibition is produced by EUNIC France in collaboration with the FETART collective, which curated the exhibition, and in partnership with the Paris Council.

Useful information

  • Open-air exhibition, admission free
  • From 30 April – 19 May 2021 on the railings in front of the Tour Saint-Jacques
  • From 7 – 16 May on the plaza in front of the Hôtel de Ville.
  • Artist’s website:

En plus…

L’exposition photo Visage(s) d’Europe édition 2020 est présentée sur les grilles du square Ferdinand Brunot face à la mairie du 14ème arrondissement de Paris, et ce jusqu’au 31 mai 2021. Retrouvez le photographe suédois Erik Östensson et ses 4 œuvres tirées de son projet The Circle and the Line.