LONGING: Meet the artists

In the framework of the exhibition "LONGING – woven strands, woven stories" as well as the European Night of Museums, five artists will be talking to the art weaver Marcia Harvey Isaksson, who curated the exhibition, about the origins of the project and the creative processes involved.
Collage of the portraits of the LONGING exhibition curator and five of the exhibited artists.

In this exhibition, LONGING – woven strands, woven stories, six artists from different parts of the world present personal narratives through their woven works, tackling issues of origin, heritage, belonging, family, spirituality and purpose. The underlying sense of longing that humanity at large has felt in recent times links the artists together in an over-arching theme: longing to connect or re-connect, longing for things past, longing for people lost or destinies unfulfilled.

Five artists – Julia Bland, Kristina Müntzing, Emelie Röndahl, Mariana Silva Varela and Côme Touvay – will be talking to the art weaver Marcia Harvey Isaksson, who curated the exhibition. The event will be an opportunity to talk about the origins and themes of the project, the creative processes involved and the work of each artist.

In partnership with the European Night of Museums.

Useful information

  • The discussion will be in English.
  • Admission free while seats last.