Swedish Fashion Now: Saturday and Sunday Talks

Encouragement For Action Talk
01.10.2022 / 16:00 – 17:00
Welcome to the Encouragement For Action Talk about Swedish innovations, design and initiatives with the eminent winners of the Encouragement for Action Award Guringo Design Studio and Houdini Sportswear.

Meet the students from Beckmans College of Design Stockholm
01.10.2022 / 17:00 – 18:00
Graduates discuss their work with focus on creativity and fashion futures. Moderator: Bradley Quinn, author and journalist.

Sunday 02.10.2022 / 15:00 
Louise Xin Couture, Raphaël Glucksmann, Nayla Ajaltouni & Dilnur Reyhan
Louise Xin Couture will hold a panel with designer Louise Xin, member of the European Parliament Raphaël Glucksmann, Nayla Ajaltouni from Collectif Éthique sur l’étiquette (Clean Clothes Campaign France) and President of European Uyghur institute Dilnur Reyhan, about fashion, human rights and how the fashion business must change.
Business & Fashion
The news app Squid Business – France will hold a seminar on Business & Fashion.
How are fashion companies responding to rising inflation? How do they cope with consumption’s negative climate and environmental impact? And how can consumption be made more sustainable?

Useful information

Admission free, no need to book in advance.