
The Institut suédois has been nurturing artistic and cultural exchanges between France and Sweden for fifty years. At the behest of Sara Arrhenius, director of the Institut suédois, Mika Romanus, director of the Swedish Arts Grants Committee and Katerina Doytchinov, direrctor of the Institut français in Sweden, the Résonances agreement goes even further by enhancing Franco-Swedish collaborations in the visual arts.
Logo "RĂ©sonances" with intertwined pink and green graphic elements.

This agreement, signed in January 2024, establishes a three-year programme that will allow Swedish and French artists to increase their visibility and take part in transnational projects and exhibitions.

In practical terms, the programme creates pairings between French and Swedish institutions that are essentially not located in capital cities. Visits are organised between these institutions and their curators, as well as seminars, with a view to fostering regional exchanges, future collaborations and mutual support to cope with the challenges faced by non-capital-based institutions and curators.

In November 2023 the French curators visited their partners in Sweden. The research trip was organised by IASPIS – Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s International Programme for Visual and Applied Arts in Stockholm.

The programme began with the following curators and institutions:

  • Art Inside Out (Halmstad, Sweden): Stina Edblom
  • Bildmuseet (UmeĂĄ, Sweden): Brita Täljedal
  • CAPC MusĂ©e d’art contemporain (Bordeaux, France): Alice Cavender
  • Finis-terrae (island of Ouessant, France): Ann Stouvenel
  • FRAC Bretagne (Rennes, France): Alice Maligne
  • Kalmar Konstmuseum (Kalmar, Sweden): Bettina Pehrsson
  • Kin Museum of Contemporary Art (Kiruna, Sweden): Maria Lind
  • Magasin CNAC (Grenoble, France): Alexia Pierre and CĂ©line Kopp
  • Malmö Konsthall (Malmö, Sweden): Mats Stjernstedt
  • MOCO (Montpellier, France): Delphine Goutes
  • Palais de Tokyo (Paris, France): Daria de Beauvais and François Piron
  • Röda Sten Konsthall (Göteborg, Sweden): Mia Christersdotter Norman
  • Triangle AstĂ©ride (Marseille, France): Victorine Grataloup
  • WanĂĄs Konst (Knislinge, Sweden): Malin Gustavsson and Milena Høgsberg

The current programme of visits has ended in September 2024 with a seminar bringing together the curators at the Institut suédois. On the agenda: visits and meetings with Parisian institutions, presentations of the French art world ecosystem, and discussions on mutual and individual challenges.

Résonances is a project initiated by Sara Arrhenius, Director of the Institut suédois, Paris, Anne-Dominique Chouteau, Cultural attaché at Institut français, Stockholm and Lena Malm, Head of Visual Arts, IASPIS, Stockholm.

Résonances is modeled on Cross Pollination – Curatorial Exchange across Sweden and Russia (2020–2023).