The show takes the form of an interactive animated cartoon for children and adults, where a groovy, upbeat jazz combo interacts with animated images to tell us about the adventures and misadventures of some animals. Oddjob invites us into a sunny, dreamlike world whose range of timbres and rhythms takes its inspiration from the music of the 1970s.
For children 1-8 years old.
All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Duration: 40 min.
Advance tickets 5 euros, available from 13 April at 12 pm (limited seating).
If you were unable to get tickets:
On 6 May there will be a screening of the film « Oddjob – Jazzoo’s Party » by Adam Marko Nord, based on the Jazzoo audio book. The film will be screened all afternoon, at 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm and 5pm. Length:35 minutes. Admission 2 euros.Â
06.05.2018 / 5pm
Jazoo Show and Concert at l’Espace Sorano in Vincennes (94)
Admission 8€  / Book here