Creatively communicating the Sustainable Development Goals

It’s been over two years since the United Nations launched the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. We are making progress, but time is not on our side. We have to move as fast as we can. So how do we engage people around the world – national and local governments, companies and citizens – and help them to accelerate the 17 goals for a better future before it’s too late?

The way forward is outlined in 169 detailed targets that give advice and direction for how to fulfill the 2030 Agenda. However, the United Nations document outlining the targets is written in a language that is extremely hard to understand for many people.

To help create a better understanding of the goals, Jakob Trollbäck’s Stockholm-based company The New Division has taken the initiative to create a brand new system that captures the essence of all of the targets. It’s an illustrated system that makes it easy to understand why they are all so important, and a fantastic tool to spread knowledge about the Sustainable Development Goals and kickstart the work to fulfill all the goals.

In this unique presentation, Mr Trollbäck – who also created the visual language for the 17 goals – presents the new extended communication system for the 169 targets.

Free entrance. Registration required. (End of the registration : 1st of June, 15:00)
In English.
This event is organized by UNESCO with support of Sweden and the Swedish Institute.

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