The permanent exhibition room will be closed exceptionally on 11 September 2024.
Close notice

FĂȘte de la musique: Midsommar + LFSM concert

The Institut Suédois opens the gates to its garden and welcomes you to a summer celebration of music. As always, there will be traditional Swedish festivities as well as a concert.
Photo of people wearing flower crowns and dancing around the mast in the garden of the Institut suédois.

Visitors young and old can take part in traditional folk dancing around the Midsummer Pole. Then we celebrate the woman’s music scene in Swedenqith two concerts of Hey Elbow and Death and Vanilla. organized this year in collaboration with the Les Femmes S’en MĂȘlent festival.

Programme de la soirée

17:45 Traditional dance
18:45 Traditional dancev
20:00  Concert: Death and Vanilla
21:00  Concert: Hey Elbow

Admission free via 10 rue Elzévir from 5 pm onwards.
Swedish specialities on sale.