Date of birth: 25.01.1949
Place of birth: Stockholm, Sweden
Place of residence : Paris, France
Where did you train?
Private courses, California, Paris, Stockholm.
When and why did you move to France?
1969, to study art.
What does France mean to you?
Great culture, great art, great living, great beauty.
And what about Sweden?
Great democracy, great nature, great kindness, great ecology.
What inspires you the most and where does your inspiration comes from?
The beauty and the mystery of the world.
The wonder of the process of creativity.
The inner world of serenity.
How would you define yourself and/or your work?
The wish to communicate moments of bliss and creative force.
The desire to show glimpses of the cosmic energy that expands our horizons.
My art is a celebration of Life, of Light, and of the Sacred force of existence of Something rather than nothing.