Meet the artist: Sara-Vide Ericson

In parallel with her exhibition, Sara-Vide Ericson talks to Fabrice Gaignault and Judicaël Lavrador about her creative process and the mythologies that inhabit her.
Artist Sara-Vide Ericson in her workshop, standing between her large paintings.

What is a “hunter-gatherer-painter” ? Sara-Vide Ericson, who defines herself thus, explores her art, ways and influences with Fabrice Gaignault and JudicaĂ«l Lavrador.

Fabrice Gaignault is a writer and a journalist, chief editor of the Arts section of the culture magazine Transfuge. Among other books, he has written a biography of English artist Patrick Procktor and will publish a biography of the French painter Jean HĂ©lion in March 2024 (Flammarion).

Judicaël Lavrador is an art critic. He writes regularly for Libération and Beaux-arts magazine and has written the book Qu’est-ce que la peinture aujourd’hui ? (2008, éditions Beaux-arts), among other works.

The evening is also an opportunity to present the monograph on Sara-Vide Ericson published by Art & Theory Publishing, with texts by Sara Arrhenius, Daniel Birnbaum and Sinziana Ravini.

Useful information

  • Discussion in French.
  • Admission free while seats last.