The Institut suédois is closed on 1 May 2024.
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Open-air cinema: Guldbagge Awards

Before the end of the summer break, the Institut Suédois presents two open-air film sessions over one weekend.
séance de ciné plein air dans le jardin , nuit tombée les spectateurs assisd ans l'herbe assistent à une projection dans el jardin de l'Hôtel de Marle

Ever heard of the Guldbagge Awards? The ‘Beetle Awards’ are the Swedish equivalent of the Oscars! Every year, Sweden honours its film industry and gives awards to the best films, directors, technicians and so on from the previous year. 19 Guldbagge Awards are given annually. For our traditional open-air film screening, we’re presenting the two major winners of 2020: Spring Uje Spring by Henrik Schyffert (best film) and Charter by Amanda Kernell (best director).

  • 27.08.2021 / 21:00: Spring Uje Spring by Henrik Schyffert
  • 28.08.2021 / 21:00: Charter by Amanda Kernell