
A little red cabin, large wooden tables waiting for guests, shrubs and trees that make you forget the city… café FIKA takes over our entire courtyard and invites you to drop in during the summer.
Illustration reprensenting a cabin in the middle of the courtyard at Institut suédois, with visitors waiting their turn to order beverage and food.

The red cabin conjures up cool woodland air, outings to the seaside and walks in the fields. It’s a Swedish icon and even its colour has a name: Falun red, named after the place where the pigment is made. Here we present a revisited contemporary version of the cabin standing in the centre of our courtyard in the middle of the Marais like an invitation to embark on a journey.

FIKA is thus extending its outdoor seating area into the courtyard, offering a seasonal menu and drinks until dusk.

From 5 September onwards, the cabin will form part of a larger artwork titled ForĂŞts astrales.

With support from Houdini Sportswear.

Useful information

  • Summer opening times: FIKA is open Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 9pm.
  • FIKA and the courtyard will be closed from 12 to 26 August inclusive.