Workshop: “How to sing opera?”

Being an opera singer isn’t like singing in the shower! So how do opera singers learn to sing so well? For this workshop, the performers of "Ma vie heureuse" introduce children to opera and the techniques opera singers use.
Annastina Malm, opera singer, singing on stage in an orange dress, with a man sitting on the floor in the background.

In partnership with Paris MĂ´mes.

Useful information:

  • For children 5 years old and up.
  • Reservations are open: click on the button below.
  • Admission: 8 euros.
  • You may also watch the show Ma vie heureuse at 15:00 : reservations here.
  • A fika (a Swedish afternoon snack) is offered between the two activities for children who watch the show and then take part in the workshop.
  • To ensure that everybody is protected and that events run smoothly, our team is implementing a number of hygiene and safety measures. Please read the barrier gestures by clicking here.

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