August 2025 residents

Maureen Asic
04.08.2025 – 17.08.2025

“I am Maureen Asic, a professional dancer from Stockholm with Assyrian roots. Since 2005, I’ve specialized in hip hop, waacking, house, and salsa. I trained at Broadway Dance Center in New York and worked in the USA for 16 years, performing on projects like the Emmy Awards Promo, music videos for Jennifer Lopez, Maluma, Ginuwine, and JoJo. I continue to evolve my artistry, combining freestyle and street dance while teaching and collaborating with other artists.”

“While in Paris I am coming to deepen my understanding of krump and hip hop culture. Through classes, battles, and workshops, such as with Wilfred/Wolf, I aim to develop my freestyle, connect with the street dance community, and strengthen my artistic practice, opening up opportunities for future collaborations and creative growth.”

Babak Behdjou
Writer, author and lawyer
04.08.2025 – 31.08.2025

“I work in the literary field and am now studying the master’s program in literary composition at HDK-Valand in Gothenburg. My authorship belongs to the prose and moves in stories about life in exile, people in the margins. My writing is expressed in book scripts, essays, anthology contributions and columns in daily newspapers. Words have also been important in my work as a children’s rights lawyer at a children’s rights agency that forms opinions through texts and reports.”

“I am currently working on a book project that is imbued with collective and inherited traumas of the kind Marianne Hirsch introduced in the concept of postmemory. In order to better understand these, in-depth interviews with initiates and survivors of the Iranian regime’s terror has been necessary. Research that involves geographical movements, as the diaspora I belong to is spread out. Paris is of particular interest as it was long part of the epicenter of Iranian state terrorism.”

Niklas Delin
18.08.2025 – 31.08.2025

“I am a painter from, and also based, in Stockholm, Sweden, represented by Saskia Neuman Gallery in Stockholm, with a bachelor degree in fine art from Trondheim academy of fine art, Norway, and a Master degree from Konstfack, Sweden. In my work I explore figurative painting’s ability to, in contrast to being a reproduction, be an event in itself. I take on my motifs through representation of light, in search of a sense of presence, a moment, lasting through the painting.”

“A big part of my research process is visiting museums, galleries and art venues. Amongst my works, landscape and interior motifs meet paintings that are in direct conversation with a contemporary and art historical context. In Paris I will spend my time exploring the city and the art scene, with the intention of gathering an image base to draw motifs from, as well as contributing to further reflection on and broader knowledge of historically significant and contemporary art.”

Emma Jönsson
Textile artist
04.08.2025 – 31.08.2025

“I’m a textile artist and I embroider our world. I build structures, demons, people – animating sorrow and our never ending hope. Small stitches fills emptiness with meaning, build new worlds, and fight darkness. I want to shed light on the dead ones, the weak ones. When I embroider, I create a world that is mine, that I want to share with everybody, that you can also marvel at. My Master in Fine Art is from HDK, Gothenburg, and I’m represented by Saskia Neuman Gallery, Stockholm.”

”A deep dive into the pool”
“In the project that I want to work with at the Swedish Institute in Paris, I will immerse myself in the bathing culture in the Parisian swimming pools, and take a closer look at the remains of the Roman baths that are at the MusĂ©e de Cluny. After my observations and experiences on site, I want to make sketches on paper and fabric. Based on the collected material, I will create a new series of embroideries where the Parisian bathers are in focus.”

Elsa Levahn
Songwriter, producer and artist
04.08.2025 – 17.08.2025

“I’m a Swedish songwriter, producer and artist with a background in pop music. In my band Grandi which I have together with songwriter Stella Ringdahl we write pop music about life’s big and small emotions. The past years we have released an EP, toured as the opening act for Laleh on her Arena Tour, done club tours. Outside of that I also write and produce music for other artists. For many years I have been collaborating with Swedish artist Laleh and am contracted to her label and publishing.”

“In my upcoming projects I am exploring the heritage of the music I grew up listening to. The past year I have been experimenting with combining my electronic pop sound with Swedish folk music and since many French bands like M83, Air and Daftpunk are the soundtrack of my childhood I am now going to France to do the same thing there.”

Marie Lundström
Culture journalist and writer
04.08.2025 – 17.08.2025

“I work at Swedish Broadcasting with hosting a weekly literary program called Lundströms Bokradio. A show broadcasted on Saturdays where I present new and old books, lead my own book club and do 45 minutes long interviews with contemporary writers about their work. Apart from that, I write my own books. I have published two novels so far: Sanningens kalas (2020) and Alla mĂĄste söderut (2023).”

“When I, last spring, returned to Paris, a new text came to me. A story inexorably related to the city of Paris, to the fact of being back. When I returned to Stockholm, that new story of mine fell silent.I could go on with the old story I had planned to write, but I missed the writing I´ve had in France, a work that had felt like living in a secret surprise. Now I am back to see if I can find my silenced story. The picky one, that seems to need Paris to speak.”

Klara Mossberg
Tight wire artist and aerial acrobat
18.08.2025 – 31.08.2025

“Klara is a tight wire artist and aerial acrobat. She has performed all over Europe and her experience as a circus artist spans from musicals and operas to international contemporary circus companies and own projects. She has done several productions with Cirkus Cirkör as well as toured with companies as NoFit State Circus and Circo Aereo. Klara is educated in France and Sweden with a Bachelor in Circus from SKH. She has studied Biomechanics and motor control at master level at GIH Stockholm.”

“She will work with the project Correlational Space Wire which explores the meeting between tight wire and architecture. In the project she works with de-construction of the physical tight wire technique and how movement and balance can interact with built environments through alternative inter-relations between body and spatiality. With her 12mm steel wire she populates the voids around us where she through human presence works with perception of existing architecture and gravity.”

Adina Romare
04.08.2025 – 31.08.2025

“I am a scriptwriter and actor working with projects for film, sound and stage. I develop stories about love and doomed relationships, as well as family dramas and comedy. This past year I have been working with the Netflix adaption of my sister and creative partner Amanda Romare’s novel Halva Malmö bestĂĄr av killar som dumpat mig (Diary of a Ditched Girl). I am also working on a stageplay with the theme: How to let go of love and a man that is no good for you.”

“Me and my sister/co-worker are working on a script for a feature film that is set in France. It is a dark comedy drama about a group of people trying to find meaning in life and how one persons problem can be another ones dream. We are coming to Paris to work on the script and do research for the project. We are very inspired by French cinema.”

Amanda Romare
04.08.2025 – 31.08.2025

“I am an author, screenwriter and producer and for the past year I have been working on the Netflix TV-series adaptation of my debut novel Halva Malmö bestĂĄr av killar som dumpat mig (Diary of a Ditched Girl). I am currently working on the sequel book, a feature film script and a TV-series. Apart from writing I also produce TV-series and podcasts, recent work includes the short film LIV.”

“Me and my sister/co-worker are working on a script for a feature film that is set in France. It is a dark comedy drama about a group of people trying to find meaning in life and how one person’s problem can be another one’s dream. We are coming to Paris to work on the script and do research for the project. We are very inspired by French cinema.”

Elsebeth Welander-Berggren
Former museum director, director general, associate professor
18.08.2025 – 31.08.2025

“Born i Copenhagen 1945, 1950 I came to Stockholm with my parents. I studied history of art at the university of Stockholm. First job: expert in an auctionhouse 1970. In 2000- 2006 I was appointed museum director of the only design and decorative art museum in Sweden (in Göteborg). 2006 -2012 director general of Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde. After I retired 2012, museum director of Sven-Harrys artmuseum. I have written 17 books or participated in 17 books.”

“In Paris I want to be able to do research in the National Library in connection with a book I am writing for Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde.”