The permanent exhibition room will be closed exceptionally on 11 September 2024.
Close notice

September 2024 residents

Barbara Canlon
16.09.2024 – 29.09.2024

“My name is Barbara Canlon and I am a Professor in Hearing Physiology at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. Our research aims to understand how the inner ear works and to determine the mechanisms by which a hearing loss occurs. We want to find new therapies that prevent hearing loss. These studies are important because more than 10% of the global population have various types of hearing loss. My work at the Karolinska Institute also includes teaching medical and dental students.”

“I plan to spend two weeks at the Hearing Institute in Paris during September 2024. The hearing research institute in Paris is a world leader in this field and I have been invited by them for these two weeks. During the 2 weeks, we plan to test new gene therapy procedures for the repair of hearing loss. Our hypothesis is that by using this new delivery procedure, the success of the gene therapy will be significantly improved and will have a longer lasting effect.”

Helene Larsson Poussette
Curator and facilitator
16.09.2024 – 29.09.2024

“I am a diplomat, curator, and writer, former Counsellor for Cultural Affairs at the Embassy of Sweden in Washington, and in Belgrade, Serbia. I curate interdisciplinary exhibitions that unite heritage, history, and contemporary art. As co-founder of the Stockholm Museum of Women’s History, I have developed methods for progressive archiving and contemporary collecting. In 2021, I published my book on curating and exhibition processes, and initiated ARKIVISM, a movement and handbook on archiving.”

“Me and my husband Johan Pousette are currently making a publication about artist residencies around the world, e.g. in India, South Africa, the USA, and now in France, focusing on different residency practice.”

Jan Löwstedt
16.09.2024 – 29.09.2024

“I am a university professor today doing research mainly in two fields; Changes in work organization and working life due to developments in information technologies, and how Swedish schools are organized and managed.”

“I will have meetings with research colleagues at Dauphine-PSL to learn more about how infomation technolgy development affects work and working life issues in France. I will also have a workshop with Ph.D. candidates there.”

Lena MossegĂĄrd
Theater director
16.09.2024 – 29.09.2024

“I work as a freelance director around Sweden. I did my most recent productions at the Regional Theater Blekinge Kronoberg and at Helsingborg’s City Theatre. Together with the playwrighter Ninna Tersman, since 2001 I have been one of the artistic director in the free group Teater Komet.”

“During my stay in Paris, I will work together with the playwright Ninna Tersman on a dramatization of Elin Cullhed’s book Euphoria–A novel about Sylvia Plath. Plath is often connected with her fragility and her suicide. The special thing about Cullhed’s novel is that she also focuses on Plath’s strong zest for life. A happy period of hers was spent by Plath in Paris and our desire is to follow her footsteps there and let this inspire us in our creation.”

Johan Poussette
16.09.2024 – 29.09.2024

“Curator and senior advisor within contemporary art. Background as boardmember of Dupont Underground, director of IASPIS, advisor to TransCultural Exchange, expert advisor to the Nordic Council of Ministers, founding director of Baltic Art Center, and board member of Res Artis global residency network. Curator of major exhibitions as GIBCA Biennale in Gothenburg, October Salon in Belgrade, Baltic Sculpture in Visby and many collaborations with internationally recognized artists.”

“As a guest of Institut suĂ©dois I plan to do editorial work on a new publication on international residency practice together with my co-editor Helene Larsson Pousette. While in Paris we also plan to do research and visits to artist residencies in France, conducting interviews on core issues of residency practice.”

Ninna Tersman
Playwright, dramaturg
16.09.2024 – 26.09.2024

“I am a playwright, dramaturg and translator. I have authored more than thirty plays which have been performed widely across Sweden and abroad. The most recent plays include OR-LAN-DO, which will premiere at the Royal Dramatic Theatre in October 2024, and Läs detta brev och darra! (“Read this letter and tremble!”) which will premiere at Kulturhuset Stadsteatern in November 2024. I am currently employed as a dramaturg at the Swedish National Touring Theatre.”

“My visit will be devoted to work on a theatrical adaptation of Elin Cullhed’s book Euphoria–A novel about Sylvia Plath. Plath is often associated with the conflicted emotions that led to her suicide. What is peculiar about Cullhed’s novel, however, is that it also stresses her strong appetite for life. A manifestation of that side of her personality was her love for Paris. An aim of the visit is to learn more about the role the city played in her life and work.”

Helena von Zweigbergk
16.09.2024 – 29.09.2024

“I am an author, with fourteen novels and also done some other projects, documentary books and childrenbooks.”

“My latest work is about women and ageing. Its a personal investigation, and I am in Paris to talk with some people about this subjekt.”