Digital talk: Les Ballets suédois – une œuvre totale

The talk has been filmed on November 5th at the Dansmuseet in Stockholm, one of our major collaborator of the"Mouvements!" season! 
Yellow ticket with black text.

On the occasion of the centenary of the Ballets suédois, the Institut Suédois invites Swedish and French personalities for an online discussion about the influence that this avant-garde company has had on the artistic world.

During their five years of existence between 1920 and 1925, the Ballets suédois helped revolutionize the performing arts by producing works involving all artistic fields. The list of their collaborators within the French and international avant-garde is as long as it is impressive.

But what real impact did the Ballets suédois have on artistic disciplines other than dance, both during their own time, as well as today?

With Erik Mattsson, commissioner and curator of Dansmuseet, Stockholm and Anne Edelstam, journalist and writer.

Faced with new government measures, we are forced to adapt and thus modify our cultural programme: discover the broadcast of the talkbelow, which was filmed from Dansmuseet in Stockholm: the opportunity to see some images from their dedicated exhibition at the Swedish Ballets!
In French with English subtitles.