Virtual tour of Mouvements!

In case you missed our “Mouvements!” season, here is a filmed tour of the two exhibitions "The Ballets Suédois – scandalously innovative!" and "The Reincarnation of Rockland Palace".
Black and white photo portrait of an artist dressed in feathers in voguing style.

With the season Mouvements!, the Institut Suédois celebrated the centenary of the Ballets suédois and dedicated its multidisciplinary programming to dance as a vector of artistic and societal changes. This avant-garde dance company, established by two Swedes in 1920 at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées in Paris, garnered international fame and included some of the great performers of the era during the five years of its existence.

The season also turned the spotlight on Ball Culture, an artistic and political movement created by African-American and Latinx LGBTQI+ communities in 1920s New York. The exhibitionThe Reincarnation of Rockland Palace was originally a community art event designed and organized by Swedish artist and filmmaker Sara Jordenö and American activist artist Twiggy Pucci Garçon. This project aimed to resuscitate the spirit of the Rockland Palace Ballroom, once the epicenter of Manhattan’s ballroom culture, and which was demolished in the 1960s.

With support from Swedish Art Council, the Swedish Embassy in France and Dansmuseet in Stockholm.