The Intitut suédois is now closed for exhibition changeover. Our next exhibition, "Cosmos et Vanitas" by Ylva Snöfrid, will open on 15 October.
Close notice

Architecture Days

As part of the design season Swedish Secrets, Architects Sweden is organising a series of discussions between Swedish and French architects at the Institut Suédois. They will be talking about and comparing the challenges they face in their work and presenting the solutions they have found.
6 photos représentant une ville de haut, un auditorium, le pavillon en bois dans le jardin de l'Institut suédois, une maquette d'une ville, l'intérieur d'un bâtiment rouge et un quartier pavillonaire de haut

These discussions focus on the processes that lie behind planning and architecture projects rather than their outcomes. They will concentrate on the thinking that goes into these projects, work methods, the cooperation required between multi-disciplinary teams, and problems encountered along the way. The central role of architects in initiating and driving projects means that they can talk about the different ways in which the teams move forward.

Public programme

Thursday 15 September: Think Tank 022 by Kjellander Sjöberg architects
Reflective practice & process – shaping inclusive environments

Riding on last year’s success, Kjellander Sjöberg brings together a panel of Swedish and French architects and planning specialists for a discussion on the challenges facing urbanism and architecture today.

Friday 16 September: Afterwork for professionals and architecture enthusiasts

Meet four renowned Swedish architecture firms to reflect upon the challenges of tomorrow’s architecture over a drink. The discussion is punctuated by short presentations of their current and recent projects, revealing the processes behind each construction.

Invitation-only programme

Thursday 15 September: In depth seminar

Presentations and discussions between Swedish and French architects on the subject of Swedish Secrets, especially sustainable perspectives in urban and rural settings and timber constructions as viable projects for the future.
Participants from Sweden: Kjellander Sjöberg architects, Liljewall arkitekter, Murman arkitekter and White arkitekter. Participants from France: Erik Giudice Architecture, Paris Habitat and Septembre.

If you are interested, please contact

Architects Sweden is a professional organisation for architects, interior designers, landscape designers and planning specialists, and is one of the organisations that make up the Swedish Design Movement.

The Architecture Talks are organised in partnership with Paris Habitat and the Swedish Wood Building Council, as well as several architecture firms.